My Fraction of a Dot

About Me


What’s up? I’m Chris, and welcome to my fraction of a dot. I make a living making the web happen.

I used to consider myself a jack of all trades, then I grew up I learned that’s really just a naive phrase for “distracted”. These days I focus on building websites, themes, and plugins using WordPress and applications with Laravel.

Most of my energy is focused on building and managing websites for Elon University in the Office of University Communications.

If the project is right, I take on the occasional freelance gig through 42 Web.

As time permits, I try to offer pro bono development time or consulting/advice to veteran support and faith-based organizations. If you’re one of these, please contact me. If I cannot help, I’ll connect you with someone who can.

About This Blog

This is where my personal and professional life collide. My goal is to help web developers of all expertise levels, drawing from my experiences as a seasoned developer, interactive/digital director, and business owner.

I’ll attempt to publish weekly with articles, tips, resources, and advice that are related to web development. Given my love for the platform, this will probably be WordPress centric, but I’ll occasionally touch on more general topics. Occasionally I’ll touch on more personal topics, so long as they tie into development, social media, or online marketing.

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My Fraction of a Dot

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